Friday, April 8, 2011

baby bounce back

I kept telling myself…Oh after I have this baby I cant wait to cut my hair, start working out, thrifting for some new threads…Oh the joys of having my body back to myself!

except that simply giving birth doesn't give you your body back MYLA…it most likely doesnt ever REALLY go back. For example Im pretty sure my belly button used to be about 4 inches higher, along with most other body parts.

Now I am grateful for my zero stretch marks, thanks Mom & your amazing genetics. But what about this jello mold encompassing my body, only Bill Cosby could love its jiggle.

And so your thinking, hey get off your butt and stop complaining & start exercising then.

Im living off of 4 un-consecutive hours of sleep. Any extra energy I have gets devoted to rummaging through my ill equipped cupboards for anything containing chocolate…ANYTHING PLEASE!!!

And after "virtually" trying on pixie haircuts and being terrified of what I found ( umm, I forgot about my ears) Ive decided that as for now my locks provide a great curtain.

But I know that caring for this little bundle known as Elliot along with the other 2 monsters roaming my home is a good worthy venture.

Ninon de Lenclos once said " That which is striking and beautiful is not always good; but that which is good is always beautiful"

deep and timeless truth right????

Except, she was ugly? So was she just trying to make herself feel better?

(oh did I just say that. Im awful. good thing shes dead and cant get offended. Im pretty sure Im going to hell, it official. also is it just me, or did people look in-bred back then?)


  1. People were inbred back then. marrying cousins and what not. But she does have a deep in real truth whether she's ugly or not. :) Remember Myla it gets easier and no one will judge you if you lock the doors at 11a.m. turn on a show for the toddler and fall asleep with the baby! Atleast, I won't. I've been there.

  2. Hee-hee! Inbred! Oh and by the way, I didn't get quite the same genes that you did. I have stretch marks. Boo.
