Friday, March 4, 2011


"How could they!" I would think as I picked up my petite diapers from the store shelf. "What kind of man child would be wearing a size SIX diaper. And what neglectful mother would still be diapering that gargantuan babe's bum!"

Well Linc just turned 3….and no he's not potty training.
He's a strapping young lad currently donning a size SIX diaper

Hi, Nice to make your aquaintance,
 Im THAT Mom.


  1. Hey there neighbor! Great there's no hope for Levi? All I can guess it that he loves poo. And thanks for the shout outs on you side bar!

  2. but with a kid that cute, who could stay mad? and what kind of weirdo gives a damn? probably the lady who once saw Darby, a box of condoms, and a pregnancy test in my grocery cart. too much information? nah. she gave me a vicious stink-eye and i wondered why she cared. i say graduate that little man to Depends and cut yourself some slack :).

  3. maybe she was the same lady that scoffed at me when Lincoln was holding the brightly colored "pleasure pack" of condoms(they were the best deal) as I price matched toothpaste @ walmart.

  4. Okay, Ellie is still giving me a run for my money. The only reason she isn't in size 6 diapers is because she is so stinkin' skinny! She will use the potty when it is her idea, and only then. I figure once it is warm enough, I'll let her run around in underwear outside. Maybe she won't like the feeling of pee running down her leg. At least, I hope she won't!
