Thursday, March 3, 2011

back to the future….

I remember it like it was yesterday…my first baby was on the way! I made all the crib bedding myself, we designed the nursery from top to bottom, I had all the ruffly girly clothes hung & ready. We got every gadget "necessary" to pamper our new princess. My sister threw me a posh brunch style shower and we all oohed & awed at the precious gifts as they emerged from the tissue paper. 
---------- Flash forward to #3------------
cue Micheal J Fox & the Delorian

My bomb-diggety friends and fam still pulled through! I was not forgotten, I got just what I needed! Oodles of diapers and wipes, an opened yet valuable package of EXTRA HEAVY Maxi Pads and TWO packs (oh Hillary, how you spoil me) of masks!! 
 How the times have changed.


  1. that is totally how it is, isn't it? i'm glad you weren't forgotten, and you have the necessities! :) good luck!

  2. We always worry about things for the baby when we're preggers, huh? I'm glad you weren't forgotten. Looks like no one gave you chocolates though.
    Your blog looks great, I thought I'd stop by and follow you. I don't know if you already follow me, but if not, stop by!

  3. a little less posh, right? this baby is going to be wearing duct-taped diapers and a kool-aid mustache. it looks like you are still missing latex gloves.....i'll check my stash.

    i love this blog.

  4. So funny. I am going to love this blog. You are so talented in so many ways. Night and day on the "showers" but right on!!!
