Wednesday, March 9, 2011

dilemmas of a gal with no problems….

to cut or not to cut……

  I'm dying for a bleached out pixie thanks to MW.
But is my hair my one saving grace at this point?... as I approach 30
apart from my sweet spirit?
 I told my self no way with the whole baby-in-belly situation.
 But once the baby weight is gone should I shed the locks too?

A conundrum, I know.
Also, what should I make for dinner tonight?
 What should I get Jim for his b-day?
Oh the toils…..


  1. So the pixie cut is waaay cute... but you have hair that a lot of people would (and do) pay big $$ for... Love the natural waves!
    So I like your locks, but would support a cute cut too!

  2. That first picture was my inspiration when I cut my hair short. Of course my hair ended up looking nothing like that. For me, it was a big mistake. But you have pulled off short hair before...
