Wednesday, March 2, 2011

behind the glasses….

So, I'm a smart girl, no need to expand on that.But no…I don't really wear glasses as currently mis-represented in my profile pic.

 I did once for like 2 weeks when I was 18. But they gave me a head-ache, and when I returned to the genius-optamologist he concluded that my eyes were perfect after all, I didnt need a prescription. I was bummed!! as was my sugar mama (my actual mom)that footed the bill for the now unnecessary frames. 

But I do like to play dress-up a bit. So I got me a pair of smart-girl frames. I love them!! To me they are reminiscent of Michelle Pfeiffer via Batman.You know…the smart secretary type with a secrete side.  I wore them to a family function & my sweet nephew cried when I tried to hold him.My sister said "Seriously, you look like a nerd!" Even my-girl mother-nature turned against me as it started to rain and my lenses dripped like a windshield and later fogged up.

 Come on now…humor me people!! Am I allowed to have a lil' fun, at my own expense of course. Speaking of expense, I snagged these beauts on  E-bay for a whopping $1.45 including shipping.

Well, I still wear them, mostly in front of my children who are thoroughly entertained by mom's dual personalities. "Mom, your going to be smart today!" Sadie says when Im sporting them.

"Yes, but just today." I reply.

1 comment:

  1. Only you would WANT glasses Myla, only you...I still remember hiding mine in my backpack at school for fear of being ostracised. What fun.
