Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I have been tossing around the idea of starting this blog for a few months now. My inspiration…the thought that someone other than my little sister might be entertained by the fact that I turned my dirty pajama pants inside out before strolling the posh isles of my local Walmart, and all the picture perfect blogs we all come across that leave you thinking…REALLY ?

So now is as good a time as any! Oh wait, except that I'm 39 weeks pregnant with #3 and don't even have the time to keep up on my laundry, dishes, cooking(ha ha, yea right) my Pursenickety blogshop, keeping in contact with family I love, let alone good friends, raising my kids to become up-standing members of society, setting and reaching personal goals (sorry, now I'm just getting blasphemous).

But after spending an hour today designing it, while Linc napped (can I get a hallelujah) Sadie was @ school and baby Eliot (named after the talented suicide destined songwriter, Not TS Eliot the Nobel Prize winner of coarse) had a 30 minute case of the hiccups in my belly, its done. And now I just have to maintain it…you know like all the things listed above that Im maintaining so marvelously.

So why not become a follower. You will feel better about your personal success when I fail , and you might be slightly entertained when I do post?!

ps…as I edited this post Walmart didn't exist in the spell check.

Can you imaginge…a world with out Walmart?
What are your thought on Walmart, my second home and the killer of all things small and beautiful?


  1. oh my goodness, I am so excited for you! How did I not know this news? Congrats on baby Elliot. Hopefully you will meet him soon! and could you look any cuter pregnant? Such a perfect little round belly. You actually make me a little sick! :) Yay for blogs, and yay for you doing another one! As for walmart, I am there at least 4 times a week, just because their prices beat anyone hands down, and you can get everything all in one place. I know they are evil, and I am supporting bad people, but I can't help it. Glad to hear I'm not alone!

  2. It's all gold and I will cherish every word. Walmart sucks, and I love Elliot Smith.

  3. Myla! I've been waiting forever for you to do a personal blog! Not that I don't love Pursenickety, but I want to be able to keep up with you and your cute family! Super excited here, and you look adorable!

  4. Oh Myla, you're too cute! I'm excited to be stalking you on your new blog!

  5. Have you seen the high cost of low prices? It may change your mind about Wal-mart :(

    The New blog is fantastic!!!

    miss you!!!

  6. Love your new blog!

    On the subject of Walmart, it's a definite love/hate relationship. Have you ever been to http://www.peopleofwalmart.com/ ? It totally sums up how I feel sometimes... ;)

  7. It almost looks like you are holding a sleeping baby under your shirt. Your boobs would have to be his head, I suppose, which would mean that he has an abnormally long neck.
    I would like to request a post dedicated to that awesome chevron striped skirt you have that I haven't been able to stop thinking about since I saw it last summer. I have been searching etsy ever since in search of it's long lost twin, but no dice.

  8. I love it Myla I will be following!

  9. Yay!! I love your blog! And I'm sure you will do so much better then me at posting on it!! Love ya and miss ya!
