Thursday, March 17, 2011

Thriftstore Snobs Anonymous

Hi, Im Myla and Im a
recovering thrift store snob. 
("hi Myla", the circle of fellow offenders in folding chairs reply)

I was @ my lowest in high school, probably junior year. Suddenly it became "trendy" to slum it and those girls were stealing not only my style, but my stores! I tried to be open minded, Its not there fault they didn't grow up poor and classless. There mothers hadn't taught them to hide there finds Friday night under the cushion of the ugliest couch you could find, so that Saturday morning you could stroll into the half priced mad-ness, pick up your pile and check out 50% richer than you would have been the day before. Could I hold them accountable for the retail sins of there fathers?

Well Ive done a lot better later in life. I'm actually genuinely happy when someone else scores second hand treasures. But I have been holding out. About 7 months ago I discovered THE BEST THRIFT STORE in my opinion. And I only told one person about it…Christina dont you feel lucky?! And I only told her because I was bubbling over with joy and couldnt contain it any longer. But I of course swore her to secrecy. I since have been counting the days till my baby arrives, not only to welcome his heavenly spirit to our family, but so I can start shopping for things other than vintage moomoo's at my new found heaven.

 And of course karma is biting me in the butt!

I got the news that Teidmanns will be closing in April…just about when I can start wearing things with waists. 

So it up!
 Dont mind me, I'll be sulking in the corner 
and cursing you all quietly.

1 comment:

  1. Wow. I forgot about those Friday pre-50% off nights at the thrift store. It's amazing the painful memories a brain can block!
