Monday, March 28, 2011

Bitter & Breastfeeding

If you think breastfeeding is a beautiful bonding experience your nutz!! You probably also have your babies all natural! (gasp)

Im the type of girl that likes a good needle in the back please.

But theres nothing beautiful about my mammary masterpiece right now. If my baby feeding bosoms were a paint by number kit, the colors would include-

- scabby brown
- bloody blister red
-  rubbed raw pink

Yet I endure… for 3 reasons-
#1 I feel guilty giving up,as a mom I feel like I should love it & it should come natural
#2 Im terrified of my little guy getting sick & I want to pump him full of my anti-bodies
#3 Im to cheap & poor to buy formula

As far as Im concerned breastfeeding 
can  be summed up in one British phrase
"Bloody Hell" 
That's right, I said it.


  1. I was scabby and bloody for 6 weeks! And my boy LOVED to pull off and smile at me between sips. Holy hell it hurt! As a mama who is all about the drugs (during labor) I still LOVED breastfeeding. I weaned my boy ON his first birthday because I could not have coffee or tea (even decaf) without him screaming all day (because he was SO tired and was all caffeinated out). But yeah, It is nice to not have to pay for what you can provide for free:) hope it gets better soon:)

    I found that this always helped :) I know a great lactation consultant that could help! Sorry it's been rough :(


    this might help too!

  4. thanks gals for all the tips :)

  5. I'm with you- I had absolutely no intention of giving birth naturally. "Give me the dang epidural" were my fist words to the receptionist in the maternity ward when I went into labor =) I remember a well-intentioned woman telling me that I should not have the epidural because I would feel so much better once the baby was born if I didn't. She said that after each of her children were born she felt like she could jump out of the hospital bed & run a marathon. I actually pictured myself trying to run a marathon after giving birth. I think it would look kind of like a toddler when they have to pee really bad. I'd be running along, kind of haunched over & trying to literally hold it all together down there. Hill struggled with nursing too. I think Darby was a wild animal from the day she was born.

  6. Keep going! It gets easier. I remember after Celise I had culture shock. I didn't remember nursing being this hard. I wanted to quit so many times and I was SO exhausted! But like you I am stubborn as a mule. It took 2 weeks. That's it. The scabs were gone, no more blood just a beautiful experience with my baby! There's nothing like them nursing and looking you in the eye as if to say "Thanks for the antibodies, Mom!"
    Good Luck!
